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Uh-oh, this coming week is the worst of the year for divorce filings

Miserable couples tend to power through the holidays and then call it quits in January.

In fact, Doyle Law Group in the US says the week of Jan. 13-17 has the highest rate of divorce filings annually with a one-third increase in volume over typical times.

While that may be an American figure, we can assume it's similar in Canada because many such societal trends are North America-wide.

The timing is predictable in many cases.

Married couples with relationships already on the rocks stick it out over the holidays to keep face and spend it with family and then it all breaks after New Year's.

Give it a couple of weeks to fester and then the divorce filings start to roll in, making Jan. 13-17 the pinnacle for splitsville.

<who>Photo credit: Claudia Wolff on Unsplash</who>The holidays can intensify couple unhappiness and lead to splits in January.

Therefore, couples who made it through Christmas and New Year's and the first fortnight in January can consider themselves lucky.

While some divorce may absolutely be justified, licensed clinical social worker Ziba Graham Jr. doesn't want you to pull the plug on your marriage if it can be saved.

Graham's latest book is 'Fix Your Marriage Without Counseling: A Practical Method Men Will Appreciate'.

As the title indicates, it's aimed at couples in which the man is hesitant or refusing to seek structured, professional counselling.

</who>The 156-page book comes out in April and will be available on Amazon for $24.

"Before you resort to counseling, give this book a try to make your marriage easier and more enjoyable," Graham said.

"I want to strengthen marriages and reduce the number of divorces that are destroying families. Do it for your kids!"

Over the years of counselling and helping hundreds of couples, Graham has come up with methods that have transformed the marriages of participating couples, but also work without seeing a counsellor.

With his book, Graham says couples can work on their marriages step-by-step in the privacy of their own homes.

</who>Author Ziba Graham Jr.

Graham's tips are practical and probably ones you've already heard as common sense.

However, if you hear them again and genuinely work on them with your partner you could very well see positive results.

Some of those tips include: communicating effectively, avoid laying blame, help improve your partner's behaviour without nagging and leave the past in the past.

<who>Photo credit: Jose Chomali on Unsplash</who>Couples call it quits in January more than any other month.

"(The book 'Fix Your Marriage Without Counseling') is a thoroughly reader/user-friendly resource for husbands and wives wanting real-world, practical, DIY solutions to problems arising in marriages, without the necessity of a third-person arbitrator, counselor or therapist," said Mary Cowper in a Midwest Book Review.

Graham was a marriage and family counsellor in Evansville, Indiana before his retirement.

He's spending his retirement writing articles and books on relationships and divides his time between Tucson, Arizona in the winter and Conway, Michigan in the summer.

Thumbnail photo credit: Transly Translation Agency on Unsplash

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